
时间:2019-03-02 16:36:35        来源:


"They don ’ t cause major stress, but those white hairs have always bothered you. It ’ s not easy asking someone to pluck them out for you, and it ’ s harder than it looks to do it yourself. Therefore, we ’ ve started this new shop specializing in the removal of white hair."

" 它们虽不至于给你带来巨大压力,然而,丝丝白发总有些许扰人。求助于人,开不了口;自己动手,无法周全。因此,我们决定开个店为大家专业去除白发烦恼!"

via soranews24.com

运营了小半年,高见泽豪表示目前还是处于略有亏损的状态,但还过得去,平均一天能有 4 个顾客。



"Thank you for visiting us today from Kasai. We plucked 400 hairs from the front and back of your head in the span of one hour!"

" 感谢您从葛西站远道而来。今天一个小时内从您的头顶和后脑勺共拔掉了 400 根白发!"

他介绍道,店里客人以男性为主,占 7 成左右。还有人专程从名古屋、大阪、福冈赶来拔白发。